Screen printing is a printing fashion used to snappily stencil an identical image on multiple objects, frequently apparel. t-shirt printing Singapore You make a screen and stencil, also push essay through the mesh and onto your shirt, paper, or object. Being suitable to screen print at home enables you to produce unique pieces of apparel and other objects, and you can replicate the design on as numerous objects you want by using the same screen.
Erecting the Screen and Frame
Buy a oil stretcher frame at a craft or art inventories store. These are introductory, affordable frames made of wood for mounting a oil. For a little further plutocrat you can buy an aluminum frame that will last longer, as repeated washing will underpinning a rustic oil.
Numerous art stores now vendpre-made silkscreens as well, so you could buy a standard screen if you do not want to make a custom bone.
Insure that your frame is big enough for yourdesign.However, or want a protean frame for multiple designs, aim for 12x18"at the minimum, If you do not know your design yet.
Buy your mesh. You want a nice, fine mesh that allows the essay to pass onto the shirt, paper, or design. Mesh- count measures how loose or tight the mesh is, where advanced figures indicate a tighter mesh. The tighter the mesh, the further intricate your details can be. Mesh count is the number of vestments in one square inch.
For the classic"athletic"or collegiate print that looks worn/ freckled, aim for a loose 85 mesh count.
For a" do-it-all" mesh, end for 110-130 mesh count.
For paper or plastic printing, go for a mesh count near 200-250.
In general, lighter multicolored objects work best with advanced mesh counts. So if you are doing white paper, end from 230-250.
Chief the mesh into the frame. Make sure you pull the screen tight before you start stapling. You want it to be as tense as possible without ripping. Stretch the mesh across the frame and chief around the wood every 1 to 2 elevation (2.54 to5.08 cm.).
You'll probably need an electric chief gun to securely cleave the mesh.
You can also use framing nails.
Produce a stencil of your design. Silkscreens can only apply one color at a time, so produce a simple shape or figure to begin learning. Whatever you draw will ultimately be the signed part of the print. To make your own print, you need
. Bill board, thin cardboard, or other thick & sturdy paper.
X-acto cutter or another perfection cutter
Know the cultural limitations and challenges of screen- published
class t-shirt printing singapore designs. Screen printing is not delicate, as what you draw is exactly what you get on the final print. Still, there are certain principles and limitations to screen printing that you should know as you design your print
. You can only publish 1 color at a time.
High discrepancy images (like black on white) work the stylish, as you can not use shadowing.
For complex designs, you need to make multiple prints, one for each color, and subcaste them after the essay has dried.
Sketch your design onto the bill board. Sketch out the blocks of your design. You can upload prints or other images into print editing software as well and use those. To do so, reduce the delineation to a introductory two- tone figure also publish it.
To make a stencil on Photoshop, for illustration, you would take a black and white image and click Image → Adaptations → Threshold, also set it up near the loftiest it can be.
Cut the design out as a stencil. Everything that you cut down will beun-inked on the final print, and everything covered by the stencil will be covered in essay. For illustration, imagine you're publishing the red totem of a bulls- eye on a white t-shirt. When you cut out the stencil, all of the rings that you cut down will be white, and all of the rings that are covered by the stencil will be red.
Alternately, draw your design on transparent paper. For complex prints, it can be veritably delicate to cut out the entire figure. In this case, use thick black essay on transparent paper to make your stencil.
Your stencil or drawing requirements to block light, as this is what etches the design into the screen and allows you to publish. Everything covered by a stencil or black essay won't get exposed to light, leaving it" open"and allowing essay to pass onto the shirt or item.
Printing With your Screen
Cover your silk screen with a thin subcaste of print conflation. Pour a line of conflation along a side of the screen and use the squeegee to spread a thin line along the entire screen. Photo conflation reacts to light, hardening when exposed, so anything not covered by your stencil will turn into a hedge precluding essay from getting through.
Apply conflation to the flat side of the frame, not the side girdled by wood.
Do this in as dark a room as possible to help the conflation from hardening before you are ready.
Let the conflation dry in a dark space. Expose it to as little light as you can. A closet or restroom will work well, as long as you can close some curtains
. Set up an" exposure area"while staying for the conflation to dry. You will need to expose the conflation to a direct, strong light to prepare it. Following the specification on the print conflation bottle, set up a light above your flat black face. Each conflation has different times, watts, and distances demanded for proper hardening, so be sure to read the bottle before beginning. The beacon should always be 1-2 bases above the conflation.
Still, set up a beacon with a 200W bulb 1-2 bases above a table, If the conflation calls for 30 twinkles at 200 watts. The screen goes under the light.
Place your screen under the light in the exposure area. As you are moving the screen, cover it with a kerchief so it doesn't reply to incidental light. Place it under the beacon in your station, leaving the kerchief on for now.
Put your stencil backwards on the middle of the screen. The screen should be conflation side over. The mesh will be lifted a many elevation off the table and resting on the frame. Place your stencil in the middle of the screen with 4-5 elevation of space between the design and the edge of the frame.
You must place your stencil down in rear to get the right image. Look at your stencil the way you want it, also flip it over before you put it down. Else, you'll get a glass image when you start publishing.
Still, or your stencil is veritably light, place a clear piece of glass on top of it to keep it from moving, If there's a breath.
Don't push, prod, or move your screen, light, or stencil once it's placed and set.